Sartorial men’s fashion brand

It is not by following the realities of the world that a man differentiates from another, but by acting according to his own inclinations and, therefore, doing what his own nature and personality require; and if it is not his “necessity” that pushes him to act, but his deep and secret vocation, that man will give value to his life.

It was easy for us to gather our activity after simply having thought about ourselves: we have gathered it since it was born, we have followed its evolution step by step and we have seen it going towards its goal with punctual precision and assurance.

Sartorial luxury clothing made in Italy

What appears to you as the “characteristic style” of our clothes is nothing else than our activity’s character, which makes us produce something new and original, not with the purpose of creating a new fashion, but as a natural reflexion of the natural creativeness that is typical of men that have the tendency to follow their own star. A star that will never stop shining until we live and we explain our original clothes, we keep them superior and always subordinate to us, and this way we are always able to produce something more original, superior and better.

And we don’t mean superior in the literary sense of the term, but we believe that what is original, it is in a superior level and without doubt the true originality is the only superiority. On the other hand, how could we represent an innovation without a high quality product?

This is our inclination; and our creative activity will always achieve to overcome the reached goals, like its spirit – which creates values, before creating suits – it is the reflexion of the natural vocation of our destiny: the Infinite!